A photo( and occasional sketch) diary to monitor my culture shock from my move from a West Coast urban city to a beautiful and very small rural community in The Great North West. ***Click on pics for larger image. Updated every week, if we're lucky.***

Thursday, August 18, 2005

12. How small is very small?

Today's Culture Shock Level is: RAPIDLY BUILDING

I can't get over the smallness of this place...
The locals like it that way. Since 1900, the population has fluctuated between 12,000 to 12,500, depending on whether the small college is in session.

In example...Que and I are seated in a window of the High Road Cafe, a cafe on the main avenue. The coffee is weak by San Francisco standards, but they serve homemade sesame bagels. Our conversation drifts to errands. Que needs to pick up some work clothes and I need to find some curtain ties. I mention that I saw a grass green Pandolton look-a-like shirt in the window of the department store across the street from our apartment. (the only dept store in town). Just as I'm describing it, a lone, middle aged man walks by our window. He is wearing a grass green Pandolton-like shirt. The shirt is so new that I can see the original creases in the arm.

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