A photo( and occasional sketch) diary to monitor my culture shock from my move from a West Coast urban city to a beautiful and very small rural community in The Great North West. ***Click on pics for larger image. Updated every week, if we're lucky.***

Thursday, January 26, 2006

24. My Cousin J

This week's post is dedicated to my dear cousin J who we lost in Deciembre. J suffered quietly from an ongoing illness that eventually did him in. Today would've been his 42nd b-day.

Que took this picture of J the morning after his wedding day in 2003. (Note: Someone who was close to J claims to have shot this photo. I was seated next to Que when this session was shot. Que has the whole roll of film to prove it. Stranger things have happened, I suppose...-Editor)

J worked on his Master's dissertation in Geo in SE Oregone—not too far from the El Big area. I looked up to him all my life. How could I not? He was a punk rock geologist.

J was really creative and well-rounded, and had a strong DIY philosophy about everything in life. He was a very funny cartoonist, so naturally, he designed his own labels for all his projects. (pre Photoshop era) This is a label he designed and hand colored for his homemade Christmas porter. "Brewed crude—Tastes rude" Notice the way the fins overlap on the label...
Photo by David Hayes

Cousin J's pointed, smart and often political songwriting was greatly influential to many East Bay punk bands in the 80's and 90's, such as the hugely popular Green Day (as recently noted in Rolling Stone Magazine Issue 12/05).

Band photos from The D'oh family archives

J goofing off for the new fangled 3-d camera.

J loved animals and was always seen toting at least one dog at this side. I took this picture of him at Greek easter dinner, 2004.

This photo was taken about 6 months ago by an artist in Portland named Pasha.
Where ever you are, have a PBR. ***


KC said...


Great blog! I am so sorry about your cousin. I did not realize how big that loss was for you. What was his bands name?

Keep hope alive up in no mans land and plant those mountain seeds!

Love KC

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing your cousin with us. Like that b&w photo with guiter - reminds me of a more grunge D. Byrne.

Ms. Jane D'oh said...

Thank you, Kc and Anon! xo, Ms. J D'oh
Ps. Why yes, never thought about it but J did resemble the musician young D. Byrne-both Scots!

Anonymous said...

I was never fortunate enough to meet J...but I've heard so many stories for so many years. I know the pain his passing has caused you and your family. What a wonderful blog. Good job M.J.D. Hugs.

Miss you.

Ms. Jane D'oh said...

Thank you, El Tc! Miss You too. Xo, Jd'oh

Marc Crisafulli said...

Sorry to hear about this... a great bunch of photos though. They really give a sense of how interesting and multifaceted he was.

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