A photo( and occasional sketch) diary to monitor my culture shock from my move from a West Coast urban city to a beautiful and very small rural community in The Great North West. ***Click on pics for larger image. Updated every week, if we're lucky.***

Thursday, October 11, 2007

89. VSPD 2 fer Bonus Posting!!

This week is a 2 fer Bonus photo, simply because while we toodled around the block for me to take this VSPD, I spotted the below image as well.

"Honey, I'm ho-ome!"
"I kno-ow!"

Race percentages from county website
Students are not counted.

White (91.8%)
Hspnc (2.8%)
2 or more races (2.1%)
Am Indn (1.5%)
Other (1.4%)
Ntive HA and Other Pac Is (0.9%)
African Am (0.7%)

Yet county is above average for foreign born in the state.

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