We pass through rolling hills and bucolic loveliness, until we are hit face first by serious suburban sprawl. Even though it's familiar to Bay Area sprawl, it's different enough to be interesting. It's like El Big on steroids.

Craftsmen style architectural detail on our otherwise 70's luxury hotel. The biggest exports are wheat and potatoes, so you see iconic images of them everywhere...

There is a fairly large and active Basque population. The brick buildings and quaint signage really stand out against the suburban sprawl.
That afternoon just happened to be a sketching marathon for my dear ex colleague Dan who passed away from cancer last year. He was an avid cafe sketcher so friends planned a special sketching day as a tribute to him. It isn't easy, but we eventually find a hipster artist cafe near the downtown area. We have fine espressso while I sketch the Boise artist scene. They all seem to know I'm sketching them, but I don't care and enjoy my temporary big city anonymity...

A few visual treats from our Boise Costko experience...

Richard in SF refers to this as a diggereeDON'T.

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