A study in color and design (and good eatin')--"Chinese Broccoli"; Acrylic on canvas, 9"x12" (Click on image to enlarge)
Since I inherited a life time supply of acrylic paint from my dear ma, I have been inspired to work on canvas again. Before I became engulfed in animation twelve odd years ago, I painted a bit with oil, but was turned off by the fumes. That's when went back to the pencil. I've always prefered the look of oil, so it's been a challenge to try to make the acrylic appear luminous, and not dull and flat—as it often can be if it's not handled correctly. So far I've been encouraged with the Liquitex acrylic gloss mixing medium. I am happy to say that the school's painting prof looked at this painting for a bit and then asked me if it was oil!