The snow has melted in our front yard. It's a relief to be able to see the earth again— if only for a brief time. I feel like I've survived my first real North West snow storm, which, oddly enough, parallels nicely with the frantic completion of my first final at the school.

It is a balmy 42 degrees outside. The school is out for the winter holiday, so the town seems abandoned. It sort of feels like we have the whole place to ourselves. The students and faculty have gone home to where ever they're from, or have just gone away. ( ie: Oaxaca, Paris, Sacramento Valley...)

Empty hallway at the school. A common sight in El Big: Mountain seeds are often seen propagating in common areas like hallways, service areas, and landscaping. They are just everywhere!
( Tip o' the hat to my brother-in-law, Que Si')
Not experiencing the usual onslaught of the Bay Area's crass Christmas commercialism is odd. El Big's Christmas commercialism comes in the form of really elaborate Home Depott style decorations on the neighbor's front lawns. I also recieve an onslaught of East Coast junk mail order catalogs addressed to the former homeowner's former wife.
There isn't the usual 10 minute wait behind 8 students per vehicle at the drive through coffee hut, either. I spot only one acquaintance as I do my weekly shopping at the Safestway. The checkers are chatty and seem relaxed and starved for conversation...

Que and I meet friends for the Friday night El Big movie premiere of Mel Gibson's 'Debaclelypto' at our one movie theater. We arrive 10 minutes early and have no one in front of us or in back of us while we're in line for tickets... And what used to be a 3 sec wait at the busiest intersection in town, is now my former, "California stop" 1 sec pause. I am starting to get a better feel for just how small this town really is without the student and faculty population from the school...

Unappetizing muffins at the grocery store. I hope it's butterscotch.
I have a lot of nervous artistic energy again. I feel it kick in on my final assignment at school. Taking care of the family last year really took it out of me. It's good to have it back...

Last night I paint a portrait of Que. acrylic on canvas 12/15/06
Adding MeltyKiss "Precious Cocoa" to my growing list of items to remember to bring back from Christmas in SF...