A photo( and occasional sketch) diary to monitor my culture shock from my move from a West Coast urban city to a beautiful and very small rural community in The Great North West. ***Click on pics for larger image. Updated every week, if we're lucky.***

Monday, August 13, 2007

71. VSPD

Once again, VSPD is "Very Special Photo Day!" An oldie but a goodie. Photo taken at Arbie's in 2005, The Daluz, an extraordinary rural community 2 hours east of El Big

70. Home Sweet Home

Classes I won't be signing up for this term...
>ANS216-Pregnacy Testin/ Bovine
Credits-1 Lab-1
This course is a "hands-in" course requiring
students to pregancy check a minimum of
fifty cows to become proficient. This class has
an open lab to accomodate students and give
all adequate time to develop a high level
of profiency.
Recommended preparation: AGM121, ANS122,
and instructor approval.

>ANS217-Artificial Insemination
Credits-3, Lecture-2, Lab-1
Basic consideration of reproductive physiology
and artificial inseminatin of livestock.
Emphasis in the lab is places on the application
of lecture material and developing proficiency in
the artificial insemination of cattle.
Recommended preparation: ANS121 and ANS122

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