Psst! Have you fallen asleep yet?!
...Before we put down the new bath tiles, we lay in a sheet of radiant floor heating coils. Que attaches a programmer to it so that it's always warm for a bit of time in the mornings and evenings. It's pretty labor intensive, but proves to be well worth the time and sweat...
The original bathroom fan was broken, which explains the dank mold problem. To insure that it doesn't return, we install a light tube which has a built in SOLAR powered bath fan. Just for eye candy ambiance, we install a glass overhead light fixture that we found on our last visit to the big city.
What? Yes, that IS a double-ended cast iron clawfoot tub and latest copy of 'The New Yorker!' Just the answer for a summer of very hard work. Ahhhhhhhhh... Life is good.
********************STAY TUNED for more EXciting BEFORE/AFTER PICS of the REST of El Big little bungalow! *******************************