A photo( and occasional sketch) diary to monitor my culture shock from my move from a West Coast urban city to a beautiful and very small rural community in The Great North West. ***Click on pics for larger image. Updated every week, if we're lucky.***

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Very Special Onion Photo Day. Thanks to guest photographer, Que. Bossy art direction by yours truly.

Yes, that's a world-famous Wolla Wolla from the El Big Farmer's Market, grown right here in the big valley. Apparently the onion originally came from Italy. Someone brought it to the area in the late 1800's. Impressed by the new onion's winter hardiness, they harvested the seed. Located just 2 and a half hrs directly north of El Big, and just on the opposite side of the border and the Azul Mountains, Wolla Wolla is a rural college community much like El Big, with an abundance of trees in this generally arid region. The annual temperatures range from 32.4 to 88.9 degrees, just perfect temperatures for growing lots of really big onions.

Happy Labor Day, friends. Hope you get some time to relax a bit on the long weekend.

Ms. Jane d'oH


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