Typical gorgeous EB Autumnal weather. Mid 80's and sunny.
The outdoors beckons...
I drop everything and seek out Que, my pardner in crime...
Que needs a break from his project, too. He tells me that something's going on in the downtown square.
We walk downtown... pausing briefly at the latest store window display....
5 min later...Yes! A street festival!
Yes! Free hotdogs!
This year Que notes his friends at the RC booth; pauses a beat; then jumps in line to sign up for the raffle.
The free hotdog line snakes across the street and never seems to slow down. They seem well prepared.
Que steps away for a visit with the municipal tree guy, while I enjoy a couple of performances...(Interestingly enough, I was the only person with a camera. People here don't seem to take pictures of anything other than mountains, trees, fish, childrens and farm animals. If one is taking photos at something like this, they're likely journalists from the paper.)

Que teases me about being next up to dance. A older man within earshot gently askes me why we wear "those dresses".

Que later observes that a couple of the dancers look about his age; yet how different their lives seem to be.
U pick-U keep half! The other half goes to el local food banco.
Live music from the middle school
All volunteer hot dog cooking army
Token progressives booth, run by the most tenacious soul in town.
Every organization has a booth, including this very visible organization. I leap for the free swag. Afterall, who doesn't love free sticky notes?