A good mix of El Bigians meet at the local pub for dancing and fun. For the first time in years I don't wear a costume, but just have a great time taking photos.

Halloween at El Big U comes early with threats of layoffs and department closures. Rumors fly, and morph from positive to negative, back to positive and back again. Socializing becomes more trying as the days lead up to the announcement. One sharp coworker muses, "I don't know what's more annoying---those who are overly positive or those who are completely doomsday."

Statewide issues, deep-seeded management problems, unfortunate pr, and cancellations of programs causes the school to find itself millions of dollars short. The interim leader announces the cuts to the public on Halloween. Science, Math and Language take the hits. Que calls me at home the moment he hears about his job status. I am relieved to hear that Que's department is merely reorganized and reshuffled, but doesn't lose a single tenured instructor.

The one truly shocking costume was a truck driver in red white and blue hotpants.
Later that night we meet up with the survivors at the pub for a bit of sober reflection. The pub is having a small but fairly rowdy costume party. The bartender delivers us round of drinks from a former student seated at the bar. "See you in twenty years!" he says. He raises his glass to us as we leave the party.
