I wake to hear a very sad piece on the radio about the town's first Iraq casualty. Que and I agree that the local Peace march is a no brainer. I count 35 people in our small crowd--a nice cross section of folks from the local hs, local los Verdes organization, and a local Christian church...
From the newspaper...
March 22, 2007
Governor Orders Flags at Half-Staff in Memory of El Big Soldier
Flags to be lowered Monday in honor of Sgt. 1st Class Jon Stevens
Today Governor Ned ordered all flags at public institutions be flown at half-staff on Monday, in memory of Sgt. 1st Class Jon Stevens of El Big.
Stevens, 41, died Thursday, March 15 in Iraq. He was assigned to the First Battalion, 16th Infantry, First Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Wiley, Kansas...
"Stevens spent most of his life serving our country and making the world a more peaceful place," said Governor Ned. "As an outstanding father, husband, El Bigian and soldier - he will be missed by all in his community."
"Unclear of the concept." A not so peaceful passerby in a large truck, and a not so peaceful response...
The hilight of the march was when a Vietnam veterean stopped his car and joined us in song with his original anti war country song called, "I Still Like the Dixie Chicks."
Coming from SF where the peace sign is an iconic cliche from the 60's Haight Ashbury baggage, I find it kind of funny and charming that this local peace activist accidentally made several handmade signs with the Mercedes Benz logo.
Peace out, yo
Ms. Jane D'oh
Next Week: The Bungalow Continued!

Before: The former walls were Pasty Pink, Gas guzzler Chevy Blue, Musty Strawbale Yellow, and Filthy Eggshell White.
Stay tuned for more before and after updates from the El Big bungalow project.
That could be the funniest thing I've seen all week...Can you bottle up a couple of gallons of that dry sarcastic humor and send it this way so I can pass it out...I get tired of being the only one in the boat...(and btw...you look nice with your granny hat on in the center of the picture...what...you mean that's not you?!?!)
Love the Mercedes Benz logo! At least they tried. Next time we have a peace march here, Liam and I are going.
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