My design for the silk screen tshirt for the town hospital's relay race fundraiser. Since I've been here, I've designed three tshirts for local event fundraisers. It was hard to say no to this one. The money raised from the run will go to the community rehabilitation program. I'm being paid with coffee, a small stipend, and over-the-top small town publicity.
I sketched the drawing in brush pen and then cleaned it up in Photoshop. I really wanted to go for realism---draw a guy in cammoflouge, rifle and chasing our jogging bear, but my idea was nixed in the early stage. Oh well. As I learned in my 15 odd years in commercial art/ animation, creative control is often a compromise.
Colors are yet to be determined. "Just so long as you DON'T use our logo colors, we'll be happy", their PR person tells me. I thought she was kidding. Geez, that's a switch.
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