Morning Doves can be seen around El Big until the first frost, when they head south to the vollyball courts on the Florida beaches. Bambi can be seen in Farmer Doug's fields and near cover in the am and at dusk. Teenage Red-tailed Hawks are visable, bumming around out on power poles and irrigation structures. Young Osprey are seen in Onion County too.

Most of the teeny bopper Tanhill Cranes of the wildlife area are beginning to hang in large groups of 10 and 20. Watch out for them from the road near Football Road and Warm Lake Avenue and Nectarine Road. They can be intimidating.
Elsewhere, totally immature bald eagles can be seen from the boat pier at Poolchair Reservoir, about 10 miles south of El Big. Visitors to the valley can see both adult and youngster elk calves too, basically up to no good; downing J&B berry winecoolers and playing target practice with empty sixpacks of Pabst Azul Ribbon Beer.
Adult professors, usually noted for their broad brimmed, non-cowboy hats, prescription sun glasses, and summer plummage, can still be spotted wandering aimlessly around the undeveloped areas of the valley for approximately one month or so. Most species are considered fairly harmless unless provoked while uncaffienated and/ or discussing World politics.
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